Journal of Semiarid Environments




Irregular publications in botany and ecology.

An electronic journal for the publication of research related to botany and ecology
in the general vicinity of the southwestern United States, but without explicit
geographic or topical boundaries. Published and edited by Patrick Alexander of
Las Cruces, New Mexico. Further information on the final page of each volume.
ISSN: 2694- 1309


Volume 1: 1 October 2020.

P.J. Alexander 2020. Muilla lordsburgana (Asparagaceae: Brodiaeoideae), a new species found north of Lordsburg, southwestern New Mexico. Journal of Semiarid Environments 1: 1-10.

Volume 2: 22 April 2021.

P.J. Alexander 2021. Pellaea zygophylla, a new combination for a distinctive & well-known but neglected fern. Journal of Semiarid Environments 2: 1-33.


This webpage uses the Fell Types. The Fell Types are digitally
reproduced by Igino Marini.